The Heritage Society honors our thoughtful and generous alumni and friends who have included Quincy University in their estate plans. The tradition of loyalty, shown through these commitments of support, is important in strengthening and sustaining the University’s future. We invite you to join this exclusive society of caring individuals by creating a provision to benefit QU in your estate plans.
Choose the option that matches your goals:
Your Goal: Defer a gift until after your lifetime.
How to Make The Gift: Name us in your will or trust. Designate a specific amount, specific asset, percent of the total, or share of the remainder.
Your Benefits: Gift exempt from federal estate tax. Control your assets for your lifetime.
Click here for more information on Wills and Trusts.
Gift of Retirement Assets
Your Goal: Avoid estate and income tax on IRAs, 401(K)s, and other employee benefit plans.
How to Make The Gift: Name us beneficiary of the remainder of the assets after your lifetime.
Your Benefits: Make your gift from the most highly taxed assets, leaving other assets for family.
Gift of Life Insurance
Your Goal: Make a large gift with little cost to yourself.
How to Make The Gift: Name us the owner or beneficiary of all or part of a life insurance policy.
Your Benefits: Current income tax deduction. Possible future deductions through gifts to pay policy premium.
Click here for more information on making QU a beneficiary of your life insurance.
Retained Life Estate
Your Goal: Give a personal residence, vacation home or farm now, but continue to live there.
How to Make The Gift: Designate ownership of your home to us, but retain occupancy.
Your Benefits: Valuable charitable income tax deduction. Lifetime use of residence.